Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Hurricane IKE

Today is the September 23, 2008. 11 days after hurricane Ike hit the coast of Texas. 11 days of uncertainty of what was going to happen with the hurricane, was it going to do anything like Rita or was it going to damage like Katrina was Houston prepare.
In my personal opinion Houston wasn't ready for something of this magnitude, that damage many people and many City's.There was many chaos at the aftermath of the hurricane most of Houston was with out power and some of the beaches of Texas were damaged or even disappear like the Bolivar peninsula i saw a picture of the Houston Chronicle and there was only one house standing, as i was walking around the houses around my neighborhood there were trees on top of the houses or on top of vehicles that i seen a day before there were OK. but as i was walking i also saw the trash can full of food that people were trowing away. My experience that i learn was that you can't underestimate Mother Nature because when you less expected she can take every thing away in a second.

Thursday, September 11, 2008

The Interview

My favorite food is lasanga, because it combines many ingridients to make one nice pasta dish. My favorite music is any kind exept, country, is not my type of music. My favorite TV show is South Park because its hilarious, well some episodes are not right but thats the fredom of speech and press. I have no favorite subject in school. My strengths i am good in math and history of the US and a little bit of the World History. My weaknesses are english and thats it. 50% of the time i study for test but 75% of the time i pass and not even studying its all about lising to the teacher and reading the stuff we just went over. How to use a computer the rigth way and lear how to use every inch of it. EQUALY 50-50. I dont realy Know.